Living Legacy Project Participant Agreement
Terms and Conditions
By registering to participate in this LLP event you agree to comply with applicable federal, state and local ordinances, LLP policies and procedures as set forth here, and fire, safety, and health regulations of localities, vehicles, hotels, and event spaces we will be in.
Any participant in violation of such ordinances, policies, procedures, and regulations, and/or who behaves in an unsafe or careless manner that interferes with the enjoyment or wellbeing of other participants will be held responsible for their actions and may be asked to leave. As a participant you acknowledge that such violations may result in the removal of the violator without refund of their registration fee.
To the extent permitted by law, the participant agrees to protect, indemnify, defend, and hold harmless LLP, the event venue(s), bus company, and their respective employees, officers, directors, and agents against all claims, losses, or damages to persons or property, governmental charges or fines, and costs (including reasonable attorney’s fees) arising out of or connected to the actions or failure to act in accordance with the Terms and Conditions by participant, its employees, officers, directors, or agents, except those claims arising out of the other party’s gross negligence or willful misconduct.
Access Guidelines
LLP is committed to making all reasonable arrangements that will allow participants to participate in events. In order to help LLP prepare, please submit requests for special services, equipment, or accommodations in advance of the event. Please submit your request to [email protected].
Registration Badge
Participant’s registration badge must be worn at all times during a Pilgrimage or conference. If a participant loses, misplaces, or forgets their name badge, a replacement badge can be obtained from the staff. A small fee may be required for the creation of a new registration badge.
Modification of the Event
Sometimes unforeseen circumstances arise. LLP reserves the right to modify the event, speakers, itinerary, etc, which are published online and in print as an indication only.
Registration, Hotel, & Travel Accommodations
Registration includes admission to LLP’s meetings, museums, and other venues for the duration of the event period. Travel to and from the starting location are generally not included, unless specifically listed in the “What this Pilgrimage Includes” section of the tour’s website. Check details regarding your pilgrimage/event for more information about meals and other costs.
Photography & Filming
Professional photographs, audio, and video will be captured during the events. Participants hereby grant LLP and its representatives permission to photograph and/or record them during the trip or at an LLP event, and distribute (both now and in the future) the participant’s image and/or voice in photographs, video, electronic reproductions, and sound recordings of such events and activities. Participants may not use professional recording, photography, or film equipment without authorization from LLP, whether digital or analog, and should refrain from interfering with the speakers, presenters, staff, and attendees and their enjoyment and participation in LLP events.
Force Majeure
Attendance at the event is subject to acts of God, government authority, disaster, or other emergencies, any of which make it illegal or impossible for LLP, the event venue(s), or convention centers to provide the facilities and/or services for the event or make it illegal or impossible for the participant to utilize the hotels or other venues for the event. A registration may be cancelled for any one or more of such reasons by written notice from LLP to the participant without liability on the part of LLP.
In the event the conference or trip cannot be held or is postponed due to events beyond LLP’s control, LLP shall not be liable to participant for any damages, costs, or losses incurred, such as transportation costs, accommodations costs, or financial losses. Under such circumstances, a participant may choose to have their registration fee refunded in full.
Salvatory Clause
If there is a determination that any part of the Terms and Conditions is ineffective or impracticable, then the validity of the Terms and Conditions remaining is not impaired.
The Living Legacy Project, Inc., acts only in the capacity of agent for the suppliers of the travel services named in the Itinerary or otherwise providing services or goods in connection with the tour (the Suppliers”), such as hotels, bus lines, museums, and hotel shuttle services. We assume no responsibility for any personal injury, property damage, or other loss, accident, delay, inconvenience, or irregularity which may be occasioned either by reason (1) any act or omission of any of the Suppliers (2) any matter beyond our exclusive control including but not limited to a delay or cancellation of a flight that causes you to miss any portion of the Pilgrimage. We have no special knowledge regarding the financial condition of the Suppliers, unsafe conditions, health hazards, weather hazards, or climate extremes at locations to which you may travel.
You agree to release The Living Legacy Project, Inc. from liability for any matter for which we disclaim liability under this Agreement. You agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from and against our liability to third parties arising out of your or your companions’ actions or omissions.
Any dispute related to the Pilgrimage shall be governed by Virginia law without regard to conflict of laws principles. The federal or state courts in Virginia shall be the exclusive forum for any lawsuit related to the tour, and you consent to the personal jurisdiction by said courts. You agree to present any claims against us within 30 days after the tour ends and to file within one year of the incident, and you acknowledge that this expressly limits the applicable statute of limitations to one year.
Participant Code of Conduct
LLP is committed to providing an environment free from harassment, intimidation and coercion based on race, gender, religion, national origin, immigrant status, veteran status, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, or any other classification. Participants are expected to always act in a civil and collegial manner. No participant shall engage in any action that may constitute harassment.
While it shall not be cause for removal merely because a participant disagrees with the majority on one or more issues, everyone is expected to continue to treat each other in a civil and respectful manner so that all sides of any issue may be carefully considered. A persistent disregard of this principle may constitute cause for removal. Personal disagreements and differences of opinion are not harassment.
Reporting An Issue
Participants finding themselves in a situation where they feel their safety or comfort are at risk or who become aware of a participant not in compliance with this code of conduct should contact an LLP staff person so that the matter can be resolved. We encourage you to first talk with the chaplain assigned to your pilgrimage/event about your concerns.
You may also contact the following:
Retaliation in response to asking a question, raising a concern in good faith, or participating in an investigation will not be tolerated. Knowingly making a false report or reporting with malice or disregard for the truth is also prohibited.
Consequences of Harassing Behavior
Participants asked to stop harassment are expected to comply immediately.
If a participant engages in harassing behavior, the LLP staff may take any action they deem appropriate and necessary to safeguard participants, including warning the offender or expelling the offender from the event with no refund.
At the reporter’s discretion, reports of harassment will be referred to LLP’s board of directors, which will hear all sides and recommend whether to bar the offender from attending any additional events organized by LLP. In determining the appropriate response, the safety of all participants will be paramount.
LLP will handle all reports with equal consideration and will not be influenced by factors such as the social status or event role of anyone involved in the situation.
Thank you for ensuring that Living Legacy Project pilgrimages and other events are conducive to personal growth and learning.
LLP COVID-19 Policy
The Living Legacy Project, Inc is committed to ensuring a safe experience for all Living Legacy Pilgrimage (LLP) participants, staff, and guest faculty. With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have updated our procedures to reduce the risk of spreading the virus and keep everyone as safe as possible. To do that, we need your cooperation and support. The following protocols, guided by current recommendations from the CDC, will be in place for all Living Legacy Pilgrimages until further notice.
At the time of registration, every participant (registrant and staff) is encouraged to be fully vaccinated according to CDC guidelines.
Minimizing Exposure Prior to Departure
Participants are asked to limit time outside their home for 14 days prior to travel, except for going to school or work or engaging in other essential activities. Please strictly observe COVID-19 safety protocols (masking, social distancing, and hand washing) and avoid large gatherings and crowded spaces.
Close contacts
If a participant has been in close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19 within 14 days of the program start date, they should not participate unless they are fully vaccinated and have tested negative at least 5 days after exposure and are not experiencing symptoms; or have recently recovered from COVID-19 in the last 90 days.
Travel and health insurance
Participants are encouraged to purchase travel insurance that includes “cancel for any reason” coverage in the event of having to cancel your travel plans due to illness. A review of top-rated travel coverage can be found at Best Covid-19 Travel Insurance Plans -- July 2022 – Forbes Advisor
Participants are also encouraged to carry their health insurance cards with them.
Pre-departure testing
We ask every participant to test on the day of travel to the Living Legacy Pilgrimage. If you test positive for COVD-19, please contact us at [email protected] or call us at 601-526-1965 to inform us that you will not be participating in the Pilgrimage.
Mask Requirement
Each participant and LLP staff member will be required to wear N95 or KN95 masks covering their nose and mouth on the bus and as required by museums and other stops, regardless of vaccination status, unless otherwise directed by LLP staff. Cloth masks, scarfs, or other face-coverings will be not allowed as substitutes for N95 or KN95 masks. Anyone refusing to wear a mask when directed will be required to leave the Pilgrimage at their own expense.
Cancellation Decision/Itinerary Changes Due to Covid-19
A go/no go decision on the Pilgrimage will be made 21-days prior to the start date. The data aggregated at COVID Act Now will be used to gauge the safety of a proposed Pilgrimage and of stops in the itinerary, with a focus especially on the transmission rate; trend lines and hospitalization rates will also be considered.
LLP reserves the right to cancel the Pilgrimage within the 21-day window in the event of a dramatic spike in cases or based on the recommendation of the local/state health authorities in the states we are visiting. In the event the Living Legacy Project cancels the trip, see Cancellation under “Terms and Conditions.”
The LLP staff will evaluate the itinerary and recommend to the LLP team whether modifications of the itinerary should be made. Modifications might include eating take-out rather than a restaurant meal, skipping a specific site or museum, not stopping in a location with a transmission rate that is high, and substituting a location with a lower transmission rate for one with a high rate.
Rapid-test availability
LLP will maintain an adequate supply of COVID-19 rapid tests based on the number of participants and current testing protocols so that participants can be tested if another participant develops symptoms or tests positive.
If a participant is experiencing symptoms related to COVID-19, they will be asked to take a COVID-19 rapid test before being allowed to board the bus.
Illness during the trip
If a staff member or registrant demonstrates symptoms consistent with COVID-19, LLP will help them get tested and safely separated from the rest of the group while awaiting test results. If a participant must quarantine because of a COVID-19 diagnosis, they will be responsible for any lodging, meals, transportation, and medical costs incurred.
In the event a participant experiences symptoms of COVID-19, LLP will work with local health officials to provide guidance to the group to reduce the risk of additional exposure. Everyone’s cooperation will be appreciated under these circumstances. Those identified to have been in close contact with the participant experiencing symptoms may be required to quarantine, take a COVID-19 test, or in some cases do both, even if they are not experiencing symptoms. LLP will help coordinate quarantine and testing of any additional participants as needed.
Depending on the extent of exposure and the status of the trip, LLP staff, in consultation with LLP Board Co-presidents, will determine the most appropriate course of action regarding the remainder of the Pilgrimage experience. Every effort will be made to reduce risk to other participants.
We thank you for your cooperation and support during these times so that everyone can remain healthy and safe.
By registering to participate in this LLP event you agree to comply with applicable federal, state and local ordinances, LLP policies and procedures as set forth here, and fire, safety, and health regulations of localities, vehicles, hotels, and event spaces we will be in.
Any participant in violation of such ordinances, policies, procedures, and regulations, and/or who behaves in an unsafe or careless manner that interferes with the enjoyment or wellbeing of other participants will be held responsible for their actions and may be asked to leave. As a participant you acknowledge that such violations may result in the removal of the violator without refund of their registration fee.
To the extent permitted by law, the participant agrees to protect, indemnify, defend, and hold harmless LLP, the event venue(s), bus company, and their respective employees, officers, directors, and agents against all claims, losses, or damages to persons or property, governmental charges or fines, and costs (including reasonable attorney’s fees) arising out of or connected to the actions or failure to act in accordance with the Terms and Conditions by participant, its employees, officers, directors, or agents, except those claims arising out of the other party’s gross negligence or willful misconduct.
Access Guidelines
LLP is committed to making all reasonable arrangements that will allow participants to participate in events. In order to help LLP prepare, please submit requests for special services, equipment, or accommodations in advance of the event. Please submit your request to [email protected].
Registration Badge
Participant’s registration badge must be worn at all times during a Pilgrimage or conference. If a participant loses, misplaces, or forgets their name badge, a replacement badge can be obtained from the staff. A small fee may be required for the creation of a new registration badge.
Modification of the Event
Sometimes unforeseen circumstances arise. LLP reserves the right to modify the event, speakers, itinerary, etc, which are published online and in print as an indication only.
Registration, Hotel, & Travel Accommodations
Registration includes admission to LLP’s meetings, museums, and other venues for the duration of the event period. Travel to and from the starting location are generally not included, unless specifically listed in the “What this Pilgrimage Includes” section of the tour’s website. Check details regarding your pilgrimage/event for more information about meals and other costs.
Photography & Filming
Professional photographs, audio, and video will be captured during the events. Participants hereby grant LLP and its representatives permission to photograph and/or record them during the trip or at an LLP event, and distribute (both now and in the future) the participant’s image and/or voice in photographs, video, electronic reproductions, and sound recordings of such events and activities. Participants may not use professional recording, photography, or film equipment without authorization from LLP, whether digital or analog, and should refrain from interfering with the speakers, presenters, staff, and attendees and their enjoyment and participation in LLP events.
Force Majeure
Attendance at the event is subject to acts of God, government authority, disaster, or other emergencies, any of which make it illegal or impossible for LLP, the event venue(s), or convention centers to provide the facilities and/or services for the event or make it illegal or impossible for the participant to utilize the hotels or other venues for the event. A registration may be cancelled for any one or more of such reasons by written notice from LLP to the participant without liability on the part of LLP.
In the event the conference or trip cannot be held or is postponed due to events beyond LLP’s control, LLP shall not be liable to participant for any damages, costs, or losses incurred, such as transportation costs, accommodations costs, or financial losses. Under such circumstances, a participant may choose to have their registration fee refunded in full.
Salvatory Clause
If there is a determination that any part of the Terms and Conditions is ineffective or impracticable, then the validity of the Terms and Conditions remaining is not impaired.
The Living Legacy Project, Inc., acts only in the capacity of agent for the suppliers of the travel services named in the Itinerary or otherwise providing services or goods in connection with the tour (the Suppliers”), such as hotels, bus lines, museums, and hotel shuttle services. We assume no responsibility for any personal injury, property damage, or other loss, accident, delay, inconvenience, or irregularity which may be occasioned either by reason (1) any act or omission of any of the Suppliers (2) any matter beyond our exclusive control including but not limited to a delay or cancellation of a flight that causes you to miss any portion of the Pilgrimage. We have no special knowledge regarding the financial condition of the Suppliers, unsafe conditions, health hazards, weather hazards, or climate extremes at locations to which you may travel.
You agree to release The Living Legacy Project, Inc. from liability for any matter for which we disclaim liability under this Agreement. You agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from and against our liability to third parties arising out of your or your companions’ actions or omissions.
Any dispute related to the Pilgrimage shall be governed by Virginia law without regard to conflict of laws principles. The federal or state courts in Virginia shall be the exclusive forum for any lawsuit related to the tour, and you consent to the personal jurisdiction by said courts. You agree to present any claims against us within 30 days after the tour ends and to file within one year of the incident, and you acknowledge that this expressly limits the applicable statute of limitations to one year.
Participant Code of Conduct
LLP is committed to providing an environment free from harassment, intimidation and coercion based on race, gender, religion, national origin, immigrant status, veteran status, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, or any other classification. Participants are expected to always act in a civil and collegial manner. No participant shall engage in any action that may constitute harassment.
While it shall not be cause for removal merely because a participant disagrees with the majority on one or more issues, everyone is expected to continue to treat each other in a civil and respectful manner so that all sides of any issue may be carefully considered. A persistent disregard of this principle may constitute cause for removal. Personal disagreements and differences of opinion are not harassment.
Reporting An Issue
Participants finding themselves in a situation where they feel their safety or comfort are at risk or who become aware of a participant not in compliance with this code of conduct should contact an LLP staff person so that the matter can be resolved. We encourage you to first talk with the chaplain assigned to your pilgrimage/event about your concerns.
You may also contact the following:
- Annette Marquis, Director of Operations
- One of the Board Co-Presidents at [email protected].
Retaliation in response to asking a question, raising a concern in good faith, or participating in an investigation will not be tolerated. Knowingly making a false report or reporting with malice or disregard for the truth is also prohibited.
Consequences of Harassing Behavior
Participants asked to stop harassment are expected to comply immediately.
If a participant engages in harassing behavior, the LLP staff may take any action they deem appropriate and necessary to safeguard participants, including warning the offender or expelling the offender from the event with no refund.
At the reporter’s discretion, reports of harassment will be referred to LLP’s board of directors, which will hear all sides and recommend whether to bar the offender from attending any additional events organized by LLP. In determining the appropriate response, the safety of all participants will be paramount.
LLP will handle all reports with equal consideration and will not be influenced by factors such as the social status or event role of anyone involved in the situation.
Thank you for ensuring that Living Legacy Project pilgrimages and other events are conducive to personal growth and learning.
LLP COVID-19 Policy
The Living Legacy Project, Inc is committed to ensuring a safe experience for all Living Legacy Pilgrimage (LLP) participants, staff, and guest faculty. With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have updated our procedures to reduce the risk of spreading the virus and keep everyone as safe as possible. To do that, we need your cooperation and support. The following protocols, guided by current recommendations from the CDC, will be in place for all Living Legacy Pilgrimages until further notice.
At the time of registration, every participant (registrant and staff) is encouraged to be fully vaccinated according to CDC guidelines.
Minimizing Exposure Prior to Departure
Participants are asked to limit time outside their home for 14 days prior to travel, except for going to school or work or engaging in other essential activities. Please strictly observe COVID-19 safety protocols (masking, social distancing, and hand washing) and avoid large gatherings and crowded spaces.
Close contacts
If a participant has been in close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19 within 14 days of the program start date, they should not participate unless they are fully vaccinated and have tested negative at least 5 days after exposure and are not experiencing symptoms; or have recently recovered from COVID-19 in the last 90 days.
Travel and health insurance
Participants are encouraged to purchase travel insurance that includes “cancel for any reason” coverage in the event of having to cancel your travel plans due to illness. A review of top-rated travel coverage can be found at Best Covid-19 Travel Insurance Plans -- July 2022 – Forbes Advisor
Participants are also encouraged to carry their health insurance cards with them.
Pre-departure testing
We ask every participant to test on the day of travel to the Living Legacy Pilgrimage. If you test positive for COVD-19, please contact us at [email protected] or call us at 601-526-1965 to inform us that you will not be participating in the Pilgrimage.
Mask Requirement
Each participant and LLP staff member will be required to wear N95 or KN95 masks covering their nose and mouth on the bus and as required by museums and other stops, regardless of vaccination status, unless otherwise directed by LLP staff. Cloth masks, scarfs, or other face-coverings will be not allowed as substitutes for N95 or KN95 masks. Anyone refusing to wear a mask when directed will be required to leave the Pilgrimage at their own expense.
Cancellation Decision/Itinerary Changes Due to Covid-19
A go/no go decision on the Pilgrimage will be made 21-days prior to the start date. The data aggregated at COVID Act Now will be used to gauge the safety of a proposed Pilgrimage and of stops in the itinerary, with a focus especially on the transmission rate; trend lines and hospitalization rates will also be considered.
LLP reserves the right to cancel the Pilgrimage within the 21-day window in the event of a dramatic spike in cases or based on the recommendation of the local/state health authorities in the states we are visiting. In the event the Living Legacy Project cancels the trip, see Cancellation under “Terms and Conditions.”
The LLP staff will evaluate the itinerary and recommend to the LLP team whether modifications of the itinerary should be made. Modifications might include eating take-out rather than a restaurant meal, skipping a specific site or museum, not stopping in a location with a transmission rate that is high, and substituting a location with a lower transmission rate for one with a high rate.
Rapid-test availability
LLP will maintain an adequate supply of COVID-19 rapid tests based on the number of participants and current testing protocols so that participants can be tested if another participant develops symptoms or tests positive.
If a participant is experiencing symptoms related to COVID-19, they will be asked to take a COVID-19 rapid test before being allowed to board the bus.
Illness during the trip
If a staff member or registrant demonstrates symptoms consistent with COVID-19, LLP will help them get tested and safely separated from the rest of the group while awaiting test results. If a participant must quarantine because of a COVID-19 diagnosis, they will be responsible for any lodging, meals, transportation, and medical costs incurred.
In the event a participant experiences symptoms of COVID-19, LLP will work with local health officials to provide guidance to the group to reduce the risk of additional exposure. Everyone’s cooperation will be appreciated under these circumstances. Those identified to have been in close contact with the participant experiencing symptoms may be required to quarantine, take a COVID-19 test, or in some cases do both, even if they are not experiencing symptoms. LLP will help coordinate quarantine and testing of any additional participants as needed.
Depending on the extent of exposure and the status of the trip, LLP staff, in consultation with LLP Board Co-presidents, will determine the most appropriate course of action regarding the remainder of the Pilgrimage experience. Every effort will be made to reduce risk to other participants.
We thank you for your cooperation and support during these times so that everyone can remain healthy and safe.