Registration Information for the November 2016 Living Legacy Pilgrimage

Near the site where the Rev. James Reeb was murdered
The November 2016 Living Legacy Pilgrimage (LLP) will once again provide an opportunity for participants to discover the history, the courage, and the commitment of the struggle for civil rights in this country. This is a spiritual journey, one that will invite every participant to become a pilgrim, examining their own commitments as we carry the legacy of the Civil Rights Movement veterans into today's racially unhealed world. It is an experience you will not forget.
More about the Living Legacy Pilgrimage.
View November 2016 Preliminary Route Map and Itinerary
More about the Living Legacy Pilgrimage.
View November 2016 Preliminary Route Map and Itinerary
Registration Rates
Early-bird Registration (through September 18, 2016)

Veterans at Brown Chapel AME Church in Selma
$1,499 (double occupancy rate, per person)
$1,849 (single occupancy rate, per person)
General Registration (September 19 - October 19)
$1,599 (double occupancy rate, per person)
$1,949 (single occupancy rate, per person)
Last day for registration is October 19, 2016. All registrations after this date will be confirmed on an availability basis only.
What does the fee cover?
The registration fee is quite inclusive, covering all lodging, meals, site admissions, and bus transportation during the Pilgrimage. You are responsible for travel to and from Memphis and personal gifts, donations, suggested tips for the driver ($10 per day), tips for room accommodations ($3-$5 per day), and incidentals during the Pilgrimage. Access to ATMs is limited so please carry enough cash, credit cards, travelers checks, etc, to handle these expenses.
$1,849 (single occupancy rate, per person)
General Registration (September 19 - October 19)
$1,599 (double occupancy rate, per person)
$1,949 (single occupancy rate, per person)
Last day for registration is October 19, 2016. All registrations after this date will be confirmed on an availability basis only.
What does the fee cover?
The registration fee is quite inclusive, covering all lodging, meals, site admissions, and bus transportation during the Pilgrimage. You are responsible for travel to and from Memphis and personal gifts, donations, suggested tips for the driver ($10 per day), tips for room accommodations ($3-$5 per day), and incidentals during the Pilgrimage. Access to ATMs is limited so please carry enough cash, credit cards, travelers checks, etc, to handle these expenses.
Financial Assistance
Through the generosity of our donors, some financial assistance is available if you cannot afford to pay the entire fee. Up to five support grants of $1000 can be awarded by the Financial Aid Committee, based upon information provided in your application. Scholarship award applies to double-occupancy only. If you do not have someone you can room with, one will be assigned to you.
The deadline for receipt of financial aid applications is October 1, 2016. Following notification of grant awards, the balance of fees ($499) is due within 2 weeks.
Please do not register for the Living Legacy Pilgrimage until you are notified that a determination about financial assistance has been made. We are holding seats for financial assistance applicants.
The deadline for receipt of financial aid applications is October 1, 2016. Following notification of grant awards, the balance of fees ($499) is due within 2 weeks.
Please do not register for the Living Legacy Pilgrimage until you are notified that a determination about financial assistance has been made. We are holding seats for financial assistance applicants.
Cancellations before October 19, 2016, will receive a refund of all but a $50 administrative fee. Although we will do our best to provide refunds after this date, we might not be able to if we cannot refill your seat.
We make every effort to keep our rates as low as possible, while offering a comfortable journey for our participants. We make hotel and other reservations early to assure the best possible rates. However, we are dependent on hotel, gasoline, and other fluctuations outside of our control. If those prices increase substantially, we must adjust our rates to take those changes into account.
The Living Legacy Project partners with First Unitarian Universalist Church of Richmond, which serves as its fiscal agency.
The Living Legacy Project partners with First Unitarian Universalist Church of Richmond, which serves as its fiscal agency.
Living Legacy Pilgrimage Mailing List
If you can't join us this year, sign-up to be on the mailing list for future Pilgrimages.